Flexi Lessons
Flexi is a platform that allows meaningful and challenging learning from the comfort of home
Current students who cannot do a booster week in centre or online and not able to do a weekly zoom can book an iKip only lesson by filling in the contact form below. These lessons will not have a video or zoom as it will be treated the same as a normal ‘make up’ lesson. We ran these very successfully before during the Summer holidays.
How it works:
Lessons will go live on iKip midnight every Tuesday ( 28 July, 4, 11 and 25th August) and they will have 5 days to complete the lesson in. Any written work can be e-mailed to kipteacher1@tuitionbrentwood.co.uk ( Primary) or kipteacher2@tuitionbrentwood.co.uk ( Secondary)
A Kip teacher or Teacher Team leader will mark and plan the next lesson on the Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure the lessons are completed by the following Monday morning.
Payment for these lessons are covered by your August payment block.

FAQ for Flexi Lessons
What browser do I use?
To access iKip you need to use Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (not internet explorer).
How do I access iKip?
To access iKip you need to use the following URL link: https://uk.ikip.com (this is the same as your child’s online homework and iKip programme they use in the centre, so will be very familiar to them).
Who do I log in as?
Always log in as YOU, not your teacher – Login: firstnamelastname (lowercase, no space), Password: 123 (login details are on your email).
Where can I see my video?
Your video is available to view from your iKip platform where you access your work. You should copy and paste the URL into a new tab in your browser.
I haven’t received my email login.
If you haven’t received your email login, please check your spam folder.
If you still haven’t received your login email, please email the centre (admin@tuitionbrentwood.co.uk) and somebody will check your email address and resend it to you.
When will my lesson go live?
You will receive your iKip login and password by the time of your normal lesson – If you haven’t received it within 30 mins of your lesson please contact the centre.
My video keeps glitching/cutting out.
Please check your broadband connection, try another device or use your 4G.
Please allow time for the video to download. This could take up to 15 mins.
How do I send back my homework?
If you have been given written work please take a photo and email back to kipteacher1@tuitionbrentwood.co.uk. Please ensure you have added your tutor’s name, day, time, child’s name, and child’s surname in the subject line.
How long do I have to do my Flexi Plus Lesson?
You have 5 days to complete your Flexi Plus Lesson and to send any homework back via email to kipteacher1@tuitionbrentwood.co.uk
”I got into Southend girls high which was my first choice, Thank you for all your help with my 11+ work. Love from,
Isabel West