These events are for you to find out more about dyslexia diagnostic assessments, screening tests and Cellfield our 10-day programme for reading processing difficulties.
- Friday, 12th November, 10:oo – 11:00 – IN CENTRE
Our expert, Carol will talk you through what she does and how she can help your child.
These are FREE IN CENTRE events, however, we are asking for bookings so we know our numbers. Due to social distancing regulations, we only have 10 spaces available. Book now to secure your space. Please only book one person per household.
This is a booking event, to book please fill in the booking form below.
Look forward to meeting you.
Note: For more information about Cellfield and dyslexia reports and what we do, please go to the tab on this website: Dyslexia/Cellfield.
What is Cellfield? Watch the video below to find out!