Free Dyslexia & Cellfield Information Events

Tuesday 25th February 2025, 8:00pm - 9:00pm

Does your child suffer with any of the following?

Difficulty with reading?
Spelling problems?
Writing difficulties?
Difficulty with comprehension and understanding?
Auditory processing issues?
Problems with memory and organisational abilities?
Low self esteem?
Avoiding tasks involving reading or writing?
Visual stress?

Here at Kip we also have an amazing 10 day program that improves children’s reading and comprehension age on average between 2-4 years! Sounds too good to be true I know.
My own daughter went through the program and turned from a ‘hate and avoid reader’ to an avid reader.. and still is 8 years after doing Cellfield.
This program is ideal to improve reading and comprehension skills for children who struggle, regardless if they are diagnosed or not.

We have FREE online information events where you can speak to our Dyslexia expert about your child and learn more about how we can help your child unlock their reading potential.

The online events will take place on Friday 17th January 2025, 10:00am – 11:00am & Tuesday 25th February 2025, 8:00pm – 9:00pm and tickets are free, please book using the form below.

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Dyslexia program testimonial

At Kip McGrath Brentwood, we’ve successfully helped many children become better, more confident learners despite their dyslexia. Whether you’re looking to get your child tested or are interested in our dyslexia learning programme, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us using the button below!

Get in touch

We think of Cellfield as our long-awaited miracle. It opened the gate and introduced our 10-year-old son to the literary world. He can not put a book down now!

The Cellfield Program has helped my daughter with her reading. She came 6 months ago unable to finish a sentence and now can read fluently. IT'S AMAZING!

I have improved, not only academically: I am now able to remember directions and routes to places I go to all the time, which I struggled with before. I am also more confident in speaking. I don't stumble over my words anymore. It is amazing how 2 weeks has completely changed the rest of my life.